DVD Books contents

 Run time 27:06

1. Introduction to the selection.

2. Autobiography of a Yogi-Paramahansa Yogananda.

3. Books about G.I. Gurdjieff A) In Search of the Miraculous-P.D.Ouspensky. B) Meetings with Remarkable Men-G.I. Gurdjieff C) Boyhood with Gurdjieff and Gurdjieff remembered-Fritz Peters.

4. The Buddhist Masters: The Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ajahn Sumedho, Jack Kornfield, Sogyal Rinpoche- TheTibetan Book of Living and Dying.

5. Echart Tolle and Krishamurti

6. The Aghora Triology-Robert Svoboda. At the Left Hand of God, Kundalini, The Law of Karma.

7. Swami Rama-Living with the Himalayan Masters and Justin O’Brien’s Living with the Himalayan Masters.

8. Paul Brunton-A Search in Secret India and A Search in Secret Egypt.

9. John Bennet-Witness, Bennets research into ‘The Parousia’. Sri Yuktashwar’s Yuga Comutation of 1898.

10. Deepak Chopra-The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

11. Andrew Harvey-Hidden Journey.

12. Useful Resources John Subhan-Sufis-Their Saints and Shrines. Buddhism for Beginners, Eastern Philosophy for Beginners.

13. Siddharta-Hermann Hesse.